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Pelvic Stabilization

  1. Tintanalli JE, Krome RL, Ruiz E, (eds): Emergency Medicine A Comprehensive Study Guide, ed 3. New York, Mcgraw-Hill, 1992, pp. 987-993.
  2. American College of Surgeons, Advanced Trauma Life Support, ed 7, 2004, pp. 141-142.
  3. Croce MA, et. al., Emergent Fixation in Patients with Exsanguinating Pelvic Fractures, Journal of American College of Surgeons 2007, 204:5; pp. 935-939.
  4. Bodden J, Treatment Options in the Hemodynamically Unstable Patient With a Pelvic Fracture, Orthopedic Nursing 2009, 28:3; pp. 109-114.
  5. McSwain NE, Frame S, Salome JP (eds): PreHospital Trauma Life Support, ed. 5 (revised), St. Louis, Elsevier Mosby,2005, pp. 274-286.
  6. FitzPatrick MK, A New Tool for Initial Stabilization of Pelvic Fractures: The T-POD Trauma Pelvic Orthotic Device, Journal of Trauma Nursing, 2002, 9:1; 20-21.
  7. Malekzadeh S, et. al., Pelvic Binders and Arteriography: Effect of a Pelvic Management Protocol on Mortality, paper presented at 73rd Annual Mtg. of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, Chicago, IL 22 MAR 2006.
  8. DeAngelis NA, Wixted JJ, French BG, Use of the Trauma Pelvic Orthotic Device (T-POD) for Provsional Stabilization of Anterior-Posterior Compression Type Pelvic Injuries: A Cadaveric Study, University of Massachusetts, Medical School, Worcester, MA. Injury (In Press)

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