German brands enjoy the highest reputation worldwide and stand for superior quality. Germany’s only manufacturer of breast implants has implemented extensive safety test procedures and therefore guarantees the highest quality standards for the POLYTECH products.

“The silicone we use for the envelope and filling of our implants is certified for long-term implantation. In addition, our quality management system ensures that no other gel can get into the production cycle. At our production site in Germany, implants are examined after each production step to prevent possible errors or defects. Only when all tests and security checks are passed successfully, the implant is released for sale,” says Pascal Hüser, managing director (sales) of POLYTECH Health & Aesthetics, and continues: “This is the way for us to ensure consistently high quality and therefore safety for the Doctors and patients who have been using our products for years and trust us.”

German standards

POLYTECH Health & Aesthetics is one of the leading manufacturers of implants in Europe. The company is the only German manufacturer of soft-tissue implants, among them breast implants. The premises are located in Dieburg (near Frankfurt), and since July 2008, all implants are exclusively produced at the company headquarters in Germany. Concentrating the production in Germany meant an increase of quality in all areas, as well as even faster delivery, more flexibility in servicing client requirements and shorter development cycles.

German focus on Quality

In 2003, breast implants became class III medical devices in the European Community. This means, they must fulfill the highest security standards since 1 March 2004. POLYTECH received clearance for their products prior to that date, as early as December 2003. Due to our high level of Qualty, POLYTECH was the first company to obtain a quality mark for breast implants in the world.

The POLYTECH Health & Aesthetics product range includes more than 1,500 implant types, a number that is growing steadily. A strong focus is on breast implants for women, but there are also breast implants for men as well as implants for the nose, the chin, the calves, the gluteus – and many more. “We offer a wide range of implants to surgeons and patients. This means, we can provide the optimal implant for every individual, be it a reconstructive surgery like post-disease breast reconstruction or an aesthetic procedure,” concludes Hüser.

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