Andy – I am close to securing the support of the ‘traumapods’ at the General. I have used it personally on 5 patients (3 patients in the field), 3 of whom had significant unstable injuries requiring definitive surgery, with excellent outcomes. Ex fixes were avoided in 3 patients.
I don’t need any more convincing on the value of this product..
I used the T-pod while working in my own emergency department this weekend in a 42 year old parachutist with an open book pelvis and a proximal femoral fracture.
My orthopaedic colleagues were most impressed because:
- It achieved near anatomical reduction of the fracture and patient stabilised very quickly
- It was simply to apply at the time of Thomas splint application using procedural sedation (ketamine /Midazolam) at the end of the primary survey in the ED
- It proved unnecessary to apply an external fixation device at anytime
- It was well tolerated by patient on ward until definitive surgery 48 hours after admission
- The patient found it particularly helpful (comfortable) on log rolling on the ward etc
I do not think there is much else to prove in terms of its cost effectiveness.