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CAWR 2020: Webinar 1

Focussed on patient selection, the MDT approach and perioperative management, with insights and discussion around the Delphi consensus and CAWR service set up from Chelsea & Westminster Hospital.
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CAWR 2020: Webinar 2

This webinar focussed on the technical aspects to Rives Stoppa and posterior component separation techniques. This included live surgery recordings, case studies and a review of CAWR outcomes from St Marks Hospital.
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CAWR 2020: Webinar 3

In the third and final webinar, the role of flaps and muscle transposition was reviewed alongside video clips of Botox therapy. This generated in-depth discussion of complex case management between participants and faculty to round off the series.
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Symposium: biological ADM in prepectoral

Recorded June 2021

A practical symposium on achieving consistent results: biological ADM in prepectoral implant based breast reconstruction.

In association with The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Mr Gerald Gui

Evolution of the Pre-pectoral approach from no cover to biological ADM meshed cover and back again.
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Mr Paul Harris

Pre-pectoral immediate implant breast reconstruction using fenestrated biological ADM sheets.
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Dr Roland Reitsamer

Wrapping the implant in Pre-pectoral immediate implant breast reconstruction.
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Mr Aadil Khan

The Royal Marsden experience of implant breast reconstruction during and recovering from the Covid-19 crisis.
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Panel Discussion

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