Medley_Cheveux_CortexOn the right wavelength A recent review by The Department of Health stated that “Cosmetic interventions are a booming business in the UK, worth £2.3 billion in 2010, and estimated to rise to £3.6 billion by 2015. They can either be surgical – such as face-lifts, tummy tucks and breast implants – or non-surgical – typically dermal fillers, Botox® or the use of laser or intense pulsed light (IPL). These latter account for nine out of ten procedures and 75% of the market value.”   Bill Robertson from Q Medical would concur. “Improvements in technology during the last decade and an increase in demand for aesthetic treatments from consumers have created the opportunity for laser manufacturers to up the ante with the introduction of new lasers with impressive clinical efficacy. However price is often the precluding factor making them out of the reach of most spas and salons.”

It is good news then that Q Medical is launching a trio of effective and affordable lasers on stand L1 at the Olympia Beauty Show on 21st September.   All three come from the stable of Sandstone Medical Technologies – a US manufacturer of high quality aesthetic lasers which is now owned by Ellman International.

The Cheveux 810 Diode Laser is designed for permanent hair reduction. The Company developed a state-of-the-art high-powered diode laser system which harnesses the 810nm diode wavelength – a proven light-source for permanent hair reduction. So it is effective. However just as important, it is extremely user-friendly, affordable and importantly a no-consumables laser, so it is not costly to run.

The Cortex combines the two most popular wavelengths for skin resurfacing, CO2 and ER: YAG.   The CO2 laser can be used for deep resurfacing while the Erbium YAG laser is used for superficial rejuvenation. The beauty of the Cortex is its flexibility as it treats a wide variety of dermato-logical indications and provides a high number of treatment options. Features include customisable fractional scanner, 150 – micron spot size for optimal dermal penetration and hearing, multiple bean patterns, densities and duration settings.   Like the Cheveaux is requires no consumables so its running costs are minimal.   The trio of launches is completed with the newest Innovationin Q-Switched ND: YAG Technology.

The Tri-Lase combines the two most popular wavelengths for skin resurfacing, Q-Switched ND: YAG & Er: YAG which can be used for the removal of tattoos and pigmented lesions while the Erbium YAG laser is designed for superficial skin resurfacting and rejuvenation treatments for fine lines and wrinkles as well as micro-laser peels.   By offering three treament options in one unit, this laser provides an affordable route into laser treatment for skincare professionals.   Elleman is probably best known for its advanced radiofrequency (RF) technological advances such as Pelleve and pelleFirm wrikle reduction systems. However with the addition of lasers and IPL systems through the aquistion of Sandstone Medical Technolgoies, the Company and its UK distribitor Q Medical now offer the full complement of aesthetic technology.

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